Projet Léonard - Acquisition du langage et grammaticalisationProjet Léonard - Acquisition du langage et grammaticalisation

Conférence N°1

Par Aliyah Morgenstern . Dernière mise à jour le : 18 novembre 2008.

Lundi 13 octobre de 18h à 20h Yvan ROSE Memorial University of Newfoundland (Canada)


In this presentation, I will discuss developmental speech patterns that offer significant challenges for current theories of linguistics and phonology. I will argue that these patterns cannot be handled by phonological theory solely, because of the fact that they are not only about language acquisition per se. I propose that they in fact arise from a series of linguistic and non-linguistic factors whose combined effects sometimes yield phonologically unexpected yet entirely logical outcomes.

PDF - 1.6 Mo
Consipriacies in Language acquisition
Pdf of the conference power-point

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