Projet Léonard - Acquisition du langage et grammaticalisationProjet Léonard - Acquisition du langage et grammaticalisation

Clara Colombe

By Stephen Shimanek . Last update : 25 October 2007. trad. (et aug.) par Steve Shimanek

Clara is growing up in a bilingual environment. While her parents apply the "one-person one language" principle as much as possible, since they are both bilingual they do bend the rules at time, to allow for more spontaneity. Her father speaks with her in English, her mother in French, but when they are together they often move back and forth between the two languages. Clara’s nanny does not speak English and has a significant impact on her lanugage acquisition. The family is being recorded in their home environment:.

-  by C. Rossi for mother-daughter interaction in French.
-  by A. Morgenstern and A. Kochan for father-daughter - interaction in English
-  by A. Kochan for recordings with the nanny (which have so far been outside of the home environment)

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