Projet Léonard - Acquisition du langage et grammaticalisationProjet Léonard - Acquisition du langage et grammaticalisation


By Aliyah Morgenstern . Last update : 10 July 2007. (trans. by Stephen Shimanek)

(GIF) This laboratory has been working for the past few years on describing and analyzing spoken French data and has developed significant expertise in collecting, archiving, digitizing and multimedia presentation of the spoken word in interactive contexts. We would like to contribute to the overall project by bringing to the CLAPI database our own data: the video-films and transcriptions of adult/child dialogues filmed in their natural environment. No French database exists permitting queries or computerized processing of longitudinal studies of child language devlopment. The most important international database of this sort is CHILDES. While we will certainly be collaborating with this international database, we also feel it important to develop specific procedure to code intonation as well as postural and mimo-gestural information. It is of particular importance that we be able to align the audio-visual signal with the transcription. Two of the linguistic issues on which the formal semantics team at ICAR has done extensive theoretical work are determiners and discourse particles or connectors. It would be very interesting to apply these analyses to our corpus of child speech, to the first use of these grammatical markers and to their subsequent development.

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